February Field Notes

When decided which student would be best to work with for this project, my CT and I decided that he would narrow it down to some of his most friendly and likable students who would both appreciate and understand the background behind the project.  We both had the same idea of choosing a student in the GT program because we felt that the students in this program would create good case studies, based on the specific students who were placed in the GT program.  The students at Arvada High School, although they are placed into the GT program, are not always the most academically inclined or produce the best grades.  We decided that "Anthony" would be a great student for this project because he was one of those students who had plenty of potential, but did not generally put all his effort into school.

What I wish to learn about "Anthony" is how he views education, and how important it is to him.  I also want to get to know about his home life and his family, and the roles they play in his educational process.  I would like to get to know these things because I feel as a future educator one needs to understand student's and their educational process more then what they bring to school or the classroom.

I plan to do my interviews with the parents sometime early next month, and I will hope to start the teacher and adult interviews this coming week, and so forth throughout my time at the school.

As me and my CT have just recently come to the conclusion that Jonathan would be the student of choice I have not taken any observations specific to just him.  The general observations that I have made are that he sits near the back of the class, and does not cause any trouble.  He does sit in front of two trouble makers in the classroom, but he does not always engage them or their bad attitudes, but he is clearly friends with them.  The four days that I have been at my site, he has been present everyday.  He loves basketball, and is usually playing it before school, while they have open gym, and he is apart of the schools basketball team. 

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